DIGITAL BUSINESS AFRICA is the daily strategic information platform and decision makers’ magazine dedicated to ICTs, Telecommunications and Digital in Africa. It is animated by a team of young digital enthusiasts and convinced that Africa can develop via digital. In addition to daily strategic information on the continent’s digital transformation artisans, find a monthly web magazine available online for the moment in your digital kiosks ePresse.fr and eKiosque.cm

We offer you for free the number 00 of this Mag version which you can download HERE

The headquarters of DIGITAL BUSINESS AFRICA is located in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Telephone: +237 674 61 01 68. Mail: [email protected].

Its publishing director is Beaugas Orain DJOYUM.
Digital Business Africa is published by ICT Media STRATEGIES
Contact us at: [email protected]

The team of DIGITAL Business Africa

Editor-in-chief: Muriel EDJO

Editor-in-Chief Douala: ASSONGMO NECDEM

Editorial Secretary: Marc JIOFACK

Editorial team

Beaugas-Orain DJOYUM, Jephté TCHEMEDIE, Gaëlle MASSANG, Estelle Gonadi, Laurent Adjovi, Jacqueline NYEKI, MOHAMADOU HOUMFA, Christian TCHAPMI, Frank William Batchou, Eddy Marchand, Gilles TOUNSI, Muriel EDJO


Armand Claude Abanda, resident representative of IAI Cameroon, Chairman Iftic-Sup; Joel Nlepe, CE0 241abs.net.