Beaugas Orain DJOYUM

Beaugas Orain DJOYUM est un passionné des TIC, des Télécoms et du Numérique. Il est le Directeur de publication de Digital Business Africa, la plateforme web d'informations stratégiques sur les TIC, les Télécoms et le Numérique en Afrique. Journaliste diplômé de l'ESSTIC et consultant en e-Réputation, il dirige le cabinet ICT Media STRATEGIES. Un cabinet spécialisé en veille stratégique dans le secteur des TIC, des Télécoms et du Numérique, en e-Réputation, en communication digitale, en édition web & magazine et en production des contenus médiatiques spécialisés. Pour le contacter : [email protected]. Téléphone fixe : +237 243 25 64 36. Téléphone mobile : +237 674 61 01 68
1495 Articles written
Nkwa Tech Ltd the innovatory application that enables youths be financially responsible

Nkwa Tech Ltd the innovatory application that enables youths be financially responsible

– ASHANGNDOWAH Akwo, passionate about innovation, is the co-founder of Nkwa Tech Ltd a mobile application that enables you to manage your expenses...
Ouganda – Cybercriminalité : Des hackers piratent 1,3 milliards de shillings ougandais à Airtel, MTN et Stanbic Bank

Ten initiatives to fight cybercrime and the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

– Over the past decade, ransomware has emerged as a prominent component of the global cyber threat landscape. This type of attack aimed...
Elysee Nkundimana: "This is a digital contactless business card that uses NFC technology"

Elysee Nkundimana: “This is a digital contactless business card that uses NFC technology”

– A digitalized business card. Accessible by NFC technology or QR code. With the option to save it in your contacts in two...
Au MWC Africa, Paula Ingabire présente les cinq grand piliers de la toute nouvelle politique rwandaise en matière de large bande.

At MWC Africa, Paula Ingabire presents the five main pillars of Rwanda’s new broadband policy.

- The Rwandan Minister of ICT and Innovation, Paula Ingabire, presented to the African ministers in charge of ICT the main pillars of...
Beaugas Orain DJOYUM

MWC Africa 2022: Africa’s first Mobile World Congress opens in Kigali...

– The first-ever Mobile World Congress to be held in Africa opens today, 25 October 2022, in Kigali, Rwanda. It is the MWC...
Beaugas Orain DJOYUM
Alexander NTOKO : « J'ai ce qu'il faut pour diriger le Bureau chargé de mettre en œuvre le mandat de l'UIT en matière de développement »

Alexander NTOKO: “I have what it takes to lead the Bureau...

– The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22) will take place at the Palace of Parliament of Bucharest, the Romanian capital, from...
Beaugas Orain DJOYUM
James G. Claude [GVG]: "Our goal for 2022 is to expand our business and increase our already significant presence on the African continent"

James G. Claude [GVG]: “Our goal for 2022 is to expand...

–  Global Voice Group  (GVG) iOne of the core leaders in its business segment, says its systems analyse and process eight billion telecom-related...
Beaugas Orain DJOYUM
Dr Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser at Paris Peace Forum 2021: “We have allocated US$4.5 billion to support economic recovery in countries affected by the Covid-19 pandemic”

Dr Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser at Paris Peace Forum 2021: “We...

– On the occasion of the fourth edition of the Paris Peace Forum which opened on November 11, 2021 in Paris, Dr. Muhammad...
Beaugas Orain DJOYUM
SGS Qiiq

With Covid-19, “SGS QiiQ® “, SGS’s innovative remote digital inspection application...

- In an age of containment and social distancing imposed by the global health crisis caused by Coronavirus 2019, companies are innovating and...
Beaugas Orain DJOYUM
Coding bootcamps

Cameroon: Makonjo Media and TekCitadel Partner to Launch Two Coding Bootcamps...

— Makonjo Media has today August 13, 2019 announced the launch of two coding bootcamps in Buea. Launched in partnership with US-based technology company TekCitadel LLC,...