[ICT Media STRATEGIES] – The Cameroonian government and the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO) have organized the DIGITAL WEEK CAMEROON 2023. The event took place in Yaoundé from October 16 to 20, 2023. The event aims to bring together members from across the Commonwealth and stakeholders in the ICT and Energy industries.
Several panelists presented solutions for a Digital Cameroon, including Armand Gaétan NGUETI, CEO of UBTS International Corp. who proposed a secure Wi-Fi network solution.
During session 3 on October 17th, he presented « Leveraging Technology to overcome challenges in cyberspace for young entrepreneurs. »
The session aimed to sensitize youth towards opportunities and responsible use of digital tech, while highlighting cybercrime risks and dangers.
The session was moderated by Mr. Armand Claude ABANDA from IAI Cameroon.
Watch the video and listen to Armand Gaétan NGUETI’s explanation of his solution.
The event was streamed live on Digital Business Africa’s Facebook page. Visit the page to watch the entire session and presentations: https://web.facebook.com/DigitalBusinessAFRIC/videos
Live by ICT Media STRATEGIES. For live event media coverage on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Zoom, contact ICT Media Strategies at Tel: +237 674 74 01 68 or email: [email protected]
Cette vidéo est un contenu de la chaîne YouTube du cabinet de veille stratégique, d’e-Réputation et de Personal branding ICT Media STRATEGIES
[ICT Media STRATEGIES] – The Cameroonian government and the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO) have organized the DIGITAL WEEK CAMEROON 2023. The event took place in Yaoundé from October 16 to 20, 2023. The event aims to bring together members from across the Commonwealth and stakeholders in the ICT and Energy industries.
Several panelists presented solutions for a Digital Cameroon, including Armand Gaétan NGUETI, CEO of UBTS International Corp. who proposed a secure Wi-Fi network solution.
During session 3 on October 17th, he presented « Leveraging Technology to overcome challenges in cyberspace for young entrepreneurs. »
The session aimed to sensitize youth towards opportunities and responsible use of digital tech, while highlighting cybercrime risks and dangers.
The session was moderated by Mr. Armand Claude ABANDA from IAI Cameroon.
Watch the video and listen to Armand Gaétan NGUETI’s explanation of his solution.
The event was streamed live on Digital Business Africa’s Facebook page. Visit the page to watch the entire session and presentations: https://web.facebook.com/DigitalBusinessAFRIC/videos
Live by ICT Media STRATEGIES. For live event media coverage on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Zoom, contact ICT Media Strategies at Tel: +237 674 74 01 68 or email: [email protected]
Cette vidéo est un contenu de la chaîne YouTube du cabinet de veille stratégique, d’e-Réputation et de Personal branding ICT Media STRATEGIES
Digital Business Africa est la plateforme d'informations stratégiques sur les TIC, les Télécoms et du Numérique en Afrique. C'est le site web de référence des décideurs, experts, pros et passionnés des TIC en matière d'infos sur TIC, les Télécoms et du Numérique en Afrique. Nos infos exclusives sont disponibles sur notre canal Telegram et sur notre chaîne WhatsApp. Le directeur de publication de Digital Business Africa est Beaugas Orain DJOYUM. Tél: +237 674 61 01 68.
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La plateforme Digital Business Africa est éditée par ICT Media STRATEGIES, un cabinet d'e-Réputation, de Personal branding, de Nation branding et de veille stratégique dans le secteur des TIC, des Télécoms et du Numérique en Afrique. Vous souhaitez une veille sectorielle et des notes de veille sur des secteurs précis, cliquez ICI.